Friday, February 15, 2008

[21:57] PitPat Wildcat masturbates furiously!

[21:54] Masacre Soon: I lov3 that you are standig next to me to me pp, holding a gun, masterbating furiosly
[21:54] Masacre Soon: no more typing
[21:54] You: tis hawtness
[21:54] PitPat Wildcat masturbates furiously!
[21:55] Masacre Soon: hang on I'm almost done
[21:55] PitPat Wildcat masturbates furiously!
[21:55] Masacre Soon: LOL
[21:55] Masacre Soon: best date ever
[21:55] You: bhahahah
[21:55] Darn Darwin dances furiously!
[21:55] You: hahahahah
[21:55] Medge McLaglen drinks furiuosly
[21:55] Eneka March: and from this angle, mas you're rubbing your ass in her crotch
[21:56] Darn Darwin: get it mas
[21:56] PitPat Wildcat masturbates furiously!ff.
[21:56] PitPat Wildcat masturbates furiously!
[21:57] Esme Milena: oops
[21:57] Esme Milena: I've Fallen...
[21:57] Esme Milena masturbates furiously!
[21:57] Esme Milena: And i CAN'T GET UP!!!
[21:57] You: ok
[21:57] PitPat Wildcat came
[21:57] Esme Milena: ditto
[21:58] Masacre Soon: pp's hot masterbating almost crashed me

Monday, February 11, 2008

Gender Bending with Longfellow & Lizzy

Then things went awry. way. way. awry.

HGS= Hawt Gorilla Sex Part 1 (the names have been changed to protect the guilty)

[21:47] Sunturner Unpronounceable: As a noob, and as a woman who enjoys to pixelfuck, I looked at sex places. There, I met a young gentleman from India. He offered to buy me a vagina if I fucked him on SL.
[21:47] Sunturner Unpronounceable: So, I did. Obv.
[21:47] Sunturner Unpronounceable: Oh, it gets so must weirder.
[21:48] Sunturner Unpronounceable: Because I thought, "Hey! Free vagina!"
[21:48] Sunturner Unpronounceable: Right.
[21:48] Sunturner Unpronounceable: That was months ago.
[21:48] Sunturner Unpronounceable: So, two nights ago, I was in a shit mood after listening to musics at the place where I DJ.
[21:49] Sunturner Unpronounceable: And after having been previously embarrassed by faulty poseball positioning, I decided to fix the poseballs on my sexrug.
[21:49] Darn Darwin: heheh she said "sexrug"
[21:49] Sunturner Unpronounceable: But I need a friend to do that, and Sparky won't give it up. So I looked at my contact list and picked that guy, because I know he'll be down.

HGS = Hawt Gorilla Sex Part 2

[21:50] Sunturner Unpronounceable: I TP him over and he's not a bad looking avatar, but when I told him that I wanted to "adjust my poseballs", he thought I was being euphemistic. But I meant, you know, "adjust my poseballs"...
[21:50] Sunturner Unpronounceable: And I'm not at all horny, at least, not for this guy, as nice as he is.
[[21:51] Sunturner Unpronounceable: So, this rug has three sets of Sex and a couple of cuddles, etc. Halfway through the Sex1, he tells me he's whacking it.
[21:51] Sunturner Unpronounceable: I think, fine, whatever. Position, position, save Pos.
[21:52] Sunturner Unpronounceable: Yes, he's fapping.
[21:52] Sunturner Unpronounceable: I can hang with that. I've got adjusting to do.
[21:52] Longfellow Foton: i'm fappin right now... tell me more about this indian

Sunday, February 10, 2008

HGS= Hawt Gorilla Sex Part 3

[21:52] Sunturner Unpronounceable: And he comes and I think... Shit, I have two more sets of sex to adjust. So he chills for a few and then says, "Have you ever been fucked by a gorilla?"
[21:52] Sunturner Unpronounceable: And I think... hm, what's the right answer to this?
[21:53] Sunturner Unpronounceable: Well, no. I haven't. So that's my answer to him.
[21:53] Sunturner Unpronounceable: So, he busts out the suit and I let him fuck me all through Set 2 of sex.
[21:53] Sunturner Unpronounceable: I cringe a lot.
[21:53] Sunturner Unpronounceable: He faps.
[21:53] Sunturner Unpronounceable: He comes, and I think, SHIT! I need a THIRD set posed.
[21:54] Sunturner Unpronounceable: And he says, "Please, let me buy you a female gorilla suit."
[21:54] Longfellow Foton looks for his mother theresa avatar
[21:54] Sunturner Unpronounceable: I wish there was video, so you could see my face.
[21:55] Sunturner Unpronounceable: Sparky, want me to put on the suit?
[21:55] Sparky Eames: please tell me you have pics
[21:55] Sunturner Unpronounceable: I didn't want proof, dude!
[21:55] Sunturner Unpronounceable: I wanted to pretend it didn't happen.
[21:55] You: telling everyone = pretending it didnt happen
[21:55] Sunturner Unpronounceable: No, that's because I fucking give up. I *wanted* to pretend, but my life can't get worse at the mo.
[21:56] Longfellow Foton: hey man.. if esme can get off rubbin her fruit roll up twat on my bloddy head... this indian dude can get off with gorilla sex
[21:56] Sunturner Unpronounceable: Eat me at the same time, Esme and PP.
[21:56] Longfellow Foton: SL is a beautiful thing
[21:56] Sunturner Unpronounceable: And what's the worst is that the avatars are really REALLY ugly.
[21:57] Longfellow Foton looks for his baloo avatar
[21:58] Sunturner Unpronounceable: You wanna see the suit?

Friday, February 8, 2008